Contoh Memperkenalkan Diri dalam Bahasa Inggris di Sekolah Baru - Kumpulan Kata

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Contoh Memperkenalkan Diri dalam Bahasa Inggris di Sekolah Baru

Ketika memasuki sekolah baru biasanya setiap murid baru akan disuruh memperkenalkan diri. Yang paling susah itu kalau pas pelajaran bahasa inggris. Perkenalan juga harus memakai bahasa inggris. Karena memperkenalkan diri atau introduction juga adalah dasar pelajaran bahasa inggris. Tenang saja, kali ini Blog Kumpulan Kata akan memberi contoh memperkenalkan diri dalam bahasa inggris.

Contoh Memperkenalkan Diri dalam Bahasa Inggris

Memperkenalkan diri dengan bahasa inggris tidak hanya saat pelajaran bahasa inggris saja. Dibeberapa sekolah yang bertaraf internasional, proses perkenalan diri biasanya juga harus memakai bahasa inggris. Bagaimana cara memperkenalkan diri menggunakan bahasa inggris yang baik dan benar, berikut contohnya:

Hello my name is Amber. I am 21 years old, and a single mother of two precious little boys. I am from a small town called Beaufort,South Carolina. I have a passion for working with children of various ages. I have been in Childcare for 4 years and I am certified in CRP and First Aid. I also have my credentials in Early Childhood Development which was once my major.

This will be my first year here at this University. My major will be Medical Office Assistant. I have many goals that I would like to achieve, to name a few are finishing college, becoming an successful Medical Office Assistant, and becoming a better person. A online format will work well for me because I am currently unable to attend classes on classes on campus due to various reasons. The 3 strategies that i have used for studying are reviewing my notes everyday, make diagrams, and preparing a self test. All of these strategies have been very effective for me.

When I was 8 years old my mother was diagnosed with breast cancer. She underwent surgery and had the cancer cells removed. When i was 13 years old my mother was diagnosed with stage 4 bone cancer, and many other types of cancers. She wasn't expected to live past 1 year because there was no more treatment for her. My mother began to become very ill and unable to walk anymore, which caused her to have to be wheelchair bound. I had to take on the role of being her care taker along with my older sister help who was barley around. my father also wasn't in my life The reason why i choose this as my salvation testimony is because my mom wasn't expected to live past a year but she passed away when i was 19 years old. I believe that God kept my mom around long enough to see me graduate high school because i never lost faith in her. This was a lot for a teenager to have to deal with but it all has made me the strong young lady I am today!

Semoga contoh memperkenalkan diri  dalam bahasa inggris diatas bisa membantu kamu menghadapi dan beradaptasi dengan lingkungan sekolah yang baru.

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